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 xFiber Portal

How our filtering platform works...!

By effectively filtering out malicious traffic and maintaining the availability of online services during DDoS attacks, DDoS filters help organisation  protect their infrastructure.

Reliable Connectivity

xFiber services are provided through a carrier-grade platform, leveraging state-of-the-art network infrastructure, 10Gbps and 100G backbone connectivity, and comprehensive end-to-end automation.

DDoS Mitigation

"Layer 7 DDoS mitigation employs sophisticated techniques to safeguard web applications and services at the application layer."

Reduce latency

"Implementing efficient DDoS mitigation techniques to minimize network latency, ensuring uninterrupted and swift access to online services." 

Edge WAF

"DDoS Edge Web Application Firewall (WAF) provides proactive defense against distributed denial of service attacks targeting web."

Fast detection

"Deploying advanced algorithms and real-time monitoring tools to swiftly detect and mitigate Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks."


"DDoS Protection via Private Network Interconnect (PNI) offers enhanced security without relying on Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)."

Automation support

"DDoS automation support streamlines the detection and mitigation process by leveraging intelligent algorithms and automated responses." 

Here's how protection is implemented for TCP, UDP, ICMP, and other protocols:

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10 Gbps


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What is Included?

 ​Bandwidth 10 Gbps

 ​Dashboard access

 ​Analytics  and reports

 ​Connection types GRE, IPIP, IX


40 Gbps


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What is Included?

 ​Bandwidth 40 Gbps

 ​Dashboard access

 ​Analytics  and reports

 ​Connection types GRE, IPIP, IX


100 Gbps


Pricing Calculator


What is Included?

 ​​Maximum filtering capacity> 50.76 Tbit/s

 OSI protection layers L3-L7

 ​Support availability 24/7 (round the clock)

Portal updates ( Monthly, Yearly )